
EBLIDA ráðstefna 14.-16. júní í Aþenu

Dear colleagues, 

Registration is NOW OPEN for EBLIDA Conference, 14-16 June 2022, Athens, Greece. Theme: “Ready to take off, libraries commitment towards a sustainable, democratic and equitable society”.

A few things are making our events this year exceptional:

  • Some thirty speakers, selected among the most prominent and vibrant initiators of leading library initiatives in Europe; 
  • For the first time, EBLIDA allies NAPLE and PL2030 in organising a joint event, as a follow-up to our joint venture (see press release 24th February 2022);
  • A special programme for university / research libraries has been set up, including a Workshop on SDGs and their implementation in university libraries;
  • Many opportunities to contact other libraries for joint initiatives and opportunities for common projects;
  • An extraordinary venue – the Goethe-Institut in Athens – in the unique atmosphere of the city of Athens – the cradle of democracy;

Join us, book early and enjoy discounts! 

Registration Information  


Programme at a glance 

(For more information, please consult the online programme)  

14th June EBLIDA Council Meeting  

15th June EBLIDA Conference: During the EBLIDA Conference, we wish to open a debate about EBLIDA’s core message to and about libraries striving towards a sustainable, democratic and equitable society. We have opted for a traditional formula; after two years homeworking, librarians have reached saturation from virtual talks – working together is first and foremost a manifestation of human understanding. 

16th June: A common EBLIDA –  NAPLE – Public Libraries 2030  Programme will be offered to  participants with the title: “Libraries on the European Agenda – network and co-creation”, especially designed to strengthen exchange, innovation, and cooperation between European libraries bringing together the members of the three organisations, in learning and interacting activities and do-it-yourself networking. We wish to open a permanent forum in order to show that specific policies and objectives, even when not perfectly aligned, are contributing to the prosperity and the vitality of the library community in Europe. 

We look forward to your participation!