


The Main Objectives of Upplýsing

The main objectives of Information – the Icelandic Library and Information Science Association are as follows:

  • To strengthen cooperation amongst libraries and the professionals working in the information field.
  • To encourage the development of Icelandic libraries.
  • To work for the recognition of the importance of the services of libraries and information centers within the Icelandic society.
  • To work with other Icelandic organizations with similar objectives and to strengthen contacts with organizations with similar objectives in other countries as well.

The association Upplýsing is primarily a personal membership organization, for professionals and para-professionals as well, based in Iceland, but hospitable to institutions and overseas members.


History of Upplysing:

 Introduction – The Merger of the Icelandic Library Associations

In Iceland four library associations officially merged in a meeting, held in Reykjavík, on November 26th 1999 and a new united association of professional librarians and paraprofessionals was founded. The name of the association is Upplýsing – Félag bókasafns- og upplýsingafræða. (Information – the Icelandic Library and Information Science Association).

A committee representing all of the former associations prepared the merger of the four associations and the preparatory work, which was very time and work consuming, took about two years. An overwhelming majority of librarians voted for the amalgamation in elections held in each of the associations in May 1999. Officially the new library association took over on January 1st, 2000.

The following Library Associations have merged into Upplýsing:

  • Bókavardafélag Íslands (The Icelandic Library Association)
  • Félag bókasafnsfraedinga (The Association of Professional Librarians)
  • Félag bókavarda í rannsóknarbókasöfnum (The Association of Research Librarians)
  • Félag um almenningsbókasöfn og skólasöfn (The Association on Public and School Libraries)

At the inaugural meeting on November 26th 1999 the new bylaws of the association were approved, the name decided and the new Board for Upplýsing was selected.

The new association took over all the rights and responsibilities of the former associations, which were abolished on December 31st 1999. It will therefore publish the newsletter Fregnir and the journal Bókasafnid and continue the membership of EBLIDA, IFLA, IASL and NVBF.

The main reasons for the amalgamation of the four associations was to join forces within the Icelandic library community, and one strong library association was considered to serve the needs and the purposes of the library committee better, especially in policy making and representing the librarians. Furthermore it would be labour-saving, e.g. to have only one executive committee instead of four, especially considering that the predecessors of the new library association were exclusively operated on voluntarily basis. It is plan-ned, as soon as there will be a financial basis for it by the library association Upplýsing, to hire a secretary general for the Icelandic library association.

The amalgamation should have a beneficial effect on general policy making in the field of library and information science in Iceland.


Code of ethics

  • The Association?s members should facilitate that everybody can acquire knowledge and information regardless of the format of the information, language or location. In that way the member promotes democracy, equal rights and freedom of expression.
  • A member should create links between the client and knowledge. The member accomplishes this by collecting, preserving, organizing and disseminating information in a professional and effective manner according to the role and objectives of the institution/company that he/she works for.
  • A member must serve both the individual and the community by promoting the use of information, stimulate reading and by drawing attention to the wealth that lies in the nation?s literature.
  • A member must perform his/her professional duties with accuracy and faithfulness and show the client respect regardless of age, gender, race, political views, religion, nationality or social status.
  • A member should reserve confidentiality regarding individual information, e.g. about loans from library collections, information requests and other services. A member, who works in an institution/company, should not give outsiders information, which must be treated as confidential, about the operation of the institution/company. Confidentiality applies after the member has left the professional working place.
  • A member should point out different ways in acquiring information. Before service is provided the client should be made aware of if he/she has to pay for the service. A member must inform the client if he/she knows that client can get comparable service elsewhere for less or no fee.
  • A member must always endeavor to get the most accurate information. He/she must get advice from other colleagues or refer to other services if he/she feels that he/she cannot deal with the request in a satisfying manner.
  • A member must maintain and enhance the professional knowledge and skills. He/She should be aware of innovations in library and information science and also in other professions that support his working field.
  • A member should guard the respect and honor of the profession and strengthen the reputation. A member should treat colleagues with respect and faithfulness, and avoid putting them in a bad light by irresponsible criticism. The members should promote cooperation within the profession, communicate the professional knowledge and should participate in professional debates in an objective manner.
  • A member must respect the codes of ethics and professional knowledge of other professions.
  • A member’s work and decisions should always be based on professional appreciation.
  • A member should always work sincerely towards the objectives of the institution/company that he/she works for.
  • A member should not yield to pressure from individuals or special interest groups, e.g. concerning collection management or service. He/She should not use the working facilities for own personal advantage or for disseminating propaganda.
  • Violation of this code of ethics will be responded to by an admonition from the association?s ethics committee. Repeated violations can lead to the member being expelled from the association.
  • Prepared by the Code of Ethics Committee. First approved by  the Annual General Meeting in May 1995. Revised 2001 and approved by the Annual General Meeting on May 15th 2001. 

Svava H. Friðgeirsdóttir and Þórdís T. Þórarinsdóttir translated from Icelandic, February 2004


Useful links

Link hints concerning information on Iceland and its information services:

Information – the Icelandic Library and Information Science Association: (Upplýsing – Félag bókasafns- og upplýsingafræða)

Online databases available to all Icelanders: (Rafræn gagnasöfn)

Consortium of Icelandic Libraries: (Landskerfi bókasafna hf.) runs the library system Leitir:

National and University Library of Iceland: (Landsbókasafn Íslands – Háskólabókasafn)

(Library and) Information Science at the University of Iceland: (Upplýsingafrædiskor við Háskóla Íslands)

Promote Iceland 

Icelandi Tourist Board

Statistics Iceland (Hagstofa Íslands)

The Icelandic Research Council (Rannsóknaráð Íslands)

A Service Organization for Icelandic Industries (Samtök atvinnulífsins)

The Federation of Icelandic Industries (Samtök iðnaðarins)