
Conference Programme

Conference programme

To read the abstracts, click on the respective link for each talk. The slides were added post-conference, curtesy of the authors. 
Only presenting authors are displayed in the programme. For other authors please view the respective abstract.
Please use #ckviii during the conference.

  Wednesday June 1st
17:00-19:00 Registration opens, at the
conference venue Hilton Nordica Hotel
18:00-19:00 Get together – informal
reception at Hilton Nordica
  Thursday June 2nd 2016
8:00-8:45 Registration continued at
Hilton Nordica
8:45-9:00 Conference opening
  Hall A Hall B
Theme: Implementation of information literacy into the curriculum

Framing information literacy / slides

Keynote speaker: Anneke
Dirkx, Leiden University, The Netherlands
9:45-10:10 Coffee break with refreshments
10:10-10:30 Integrating reference practices and information literacy in academic writing: A collaboration between faculty and library / Karin Pettersson and Anna Svensson, Gothenburg University, Sweden / slides Doctoral students becoming researchers: An innovative curriculum / Deborah Garson, Harvard University,
USA / slides
10:30-10:50 Teaching the next generation of information literacy educators: Pedagogy and learning / Pamela McKinney, Sheffield
University, UK / slides
Constructive alignment as a mean for establishing lectures in information literacy / Frederik
Eriksson, Lund University, Sweden / slides
10:50-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-11:35 Embedded peer inquiry specialists: A gateway to information literacy / Danielle Salomon, Julia Glassman, and Simon Lee, UCLA, USA / slides Variations on the theme of information literacy: Implementing information literacy into the first year curriculum at Åbo Akademi / Eva Costiander-Huldén, Åbo Akademi
University, Finland / slides
11:35-11:55 Service management: A new organisation for achieving goals for information literacy? / Grethe Moen Johansen, Akershus University College, Norway / slides Representation of information and media literacy in Icelandic educational
legislation, policy documents and the curricula of upper secondary schools
 / Þórdís T. Þórarinsdóttir, University of Iceland / slides
11:55-13:15 Lunch
Theme: Assessment of information literacy
What today’s university students have taught us 
/ slides
Keynote speaker:
Alison J. Head, University of Washington, USA
14:00-14:30 Coffee break
14:30-14:50 Assessment of library instruction’s influence on students’ search behaviour / Hanne Dybvik and Else Helene Norheim,
Oestfold University College, Norway / slides
Not enough theory or not enough practice? Beyond the deficit model in academic skills training / Thomas Basbøll, Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark
14:50-15:10 Why is it so difficult to co-operate?: Implementing information literacy into the curriculum of HAMK / Eerika Kaasalainen, Häme University of Applied Sciences HAMK, Finland / slides From quest to conquer: Traversing general education at a diverse Alaskan university to integrate and assess transferable information literacy skills in foundational courses / Anna Bjartmarsdóttir, University of Alaska Anchorage, USA / slides
15:10-15:25 Coffee break with refreshments
15:25-15:55 Poster presentation
18:30-19:30 Pre-conference dinner
reception at Reykjavik University (buses leave Hilton Nordica at 18:10)
19:30 Conference dinner at Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre (buses leave for Hilton Nordica at 22:30)
  Friday June 3rd
  Hall A Hall
Torras and Pål Steiner, University of Bergen, Norway
9:45-10:10 Coffee break
10:10-10:30 A university writing centre in the middle of the library / Baldur Sigurðsson,
University of Iceland / slides
Implementing Team Based Learning in an information literacy course / Marijn Post, Wageningen University, The
Netherlands / slides
10:30-10:50 We have to talk about collaboration: How a University library and a Writing Centre work together to better help students with information literacy / Magnus Olsson, Umeå University, Sweden / slides Studying method chapters in bachelor’s thesis of Social Education students at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology: How information literate are the students? / Hilde Kaalvik, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology / slides
10:50-11:15 Coffee
11:15-11:35 Partners in information literacy: The research mentor program at UNH Manchester / Ann Donahue, Carolyn Gamtso, and Kim Donovan,
University of New Hampshire, USA / slides
Learning to assess: A professional development model for librarians / Corinne Laverty, Queens University, Canada / slides
11:35-11:55 Focusing on students: Librarians and writing tutors working together / Miritt Zisser and Bodil Moberg,
Karolinska Institute, Sweden / slides
How much do nursing and teacher education students in Norway learn about information literacy in their first year of college? / Ellen
Nierenberg, Hedmark University College, Norway / slides
11:55-13:15 Lunch
Theme: New challenges for information literacy
Opportunities for new successes
 / slides
speaker: Lisa Hinchcliffe, University of Illinois, USA
14:00-14:30 Coffee break
14:30-14:50 How can the digital library contribute to employability? / Karen Harbo, Aarhus University, Denmark and Thomas Skov Jensen, Technical University of Denmark / slides Hooking up data with literacy: Creating an educational framework for Uppsala University Library / Nadja Ylvestedt and Johanna Rayner, Uppsala University, Sweden / slides
14:50-15:10 Teaching information literacy for lifelong professional use / Margrethe
Søvik, VID Specialized University Bergen, Norway / slides
Unifying librarian skills with students’
need for information literacy: A case study of Limberg’s theory in a PBL setting
 / Helle Brink and Tine Furbo Carlsen, Aalborg University, Denmark / slides
15:10-15:30 Coffee
break with refreshments
15:30-15:50 A design-based research project on information literacy process: Focusing on reflections and self-feedback / Majbritt Ursula Johansen and Kirstin Remvig, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark / slides Flipped versus traditional classroom information literacy sessions: Student perceptions and cognitions / Torstein Låg, The Arctic University, Norway / slides
15:50-16:10 What makes good science? Information literacy seminars as a means to stimulate reflection among PhD students / Lene Østvand and Helene Andreassen, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway / slides Teaching information literacy for engineering students in a rapidly changing information landscape / Göran Hamrin, KTH Royal Institute of
Technology, Sweden / slides
16:15-16:40 Conference
closing and summary / slides


 Implementation of information literacy into the curriculum
 Assessment of information literacy
 New challenges for information literacy
 Information literacy and writing centres