Meredith Farkas

Meredith Farkas

Meredith Farkas is the Head of Instructional Initiatives at Norwich University in Northfield, VT. She is also an adjunct faculty member at San Jose State University‘s School of Library and Information Science. Meredith is the author of the book Social Software in Libraries: Building Collaboration, Communication and Community Online and writes the monthly column „Technology in Practice“ for American Libraries. She is also the author of the blog Information Wants to Be Free  and is the creator of Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. In March 2006, she was named a Mover and Shaker by Library Journal  for her innovative use of technology to benefit the profession.

You can find my full CV online here


Librarian 2.0: The future of library education and the 2.0 organization

If the mission of library school is to prepare students to work in libraries and information settings, then what is taught in library school should be closely tied the needs of the 2.0 library. There has been a lot of buzz about Library 2.0 over the past few years and many libraries have devoted significant staff time towards implementing 2.0 technologies and services. Farkas will discuss the skills needed by librarians to be effective in a changing information environment where tech skills and marketing savvy are critical to our success. She will also discuss how some of the „soft skills“ that are part of the librarian 2.0 skill-set can be integrated into current LIS curricula.