
QQML2023 Heraklíon, Krít, Grikklandi (30. maí -3. júní 2023)

Fimmtánda ráðstefna QQML (Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference) verður haldin næsta sumar, 30. maí til 3. júní 2023, í Heraklíon á Krít, Grikklandi. Íslenskir bókasafns- og upplýsingafræðingar eru hvött til að senda inn tillögur um erindi. Lokafrestur til að senda inn tillögur um erindi er 20. Desember 2022.

Eftirfarandi eru nánari upplýsingar frá skipuleggjendum ráðstefnunnar á ensku:

Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you in Heraklion, Crete, Greece (30 May -3 June 2023) for the 15th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2023, ) which is organized under the umbrella of ISAST (International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology).

The conference invites Special and Contributed Sessions, Oral Papers, Best Practices, Workshops and Posters.

Details about the types of distribution please visit:  

Plenary talks, Workshops and Special Sessions are included in the related page of the website

Because of the uncertain times we live the conference will be hybrid this year also: Physically and virtually organized. This choice faces the challenges of the visa denial, virus pandemics etc.

 All necessary precautions will be taken into account and will be applied (limited numbers, masks, distance, vaccine, tests…). 

Target Group

The target group and the audience are library professionals in a more general sense: professors, researchers, students, administrators, stakeholders, technologists, museum scientists, archivists, decision makers and managers, information scientists, librarians, records managers, web developers, IT specialists, taxonomists, statisticians, marketing managers, philologist, subject and reference librarians et al. 

Main theme: “Library as a promoter of democracy and active citizenship” 

Sub- themes:

  1. Agenda 2030 and Archive Library Museum (ALM) communities
    • Sustainability and sustainability literacy
    • Green libraries
    • Measurement and impact analysis
  2. The Impact of libraries in:
    • Politics
    • Economic development
    • Workforce Development
    • People’s lives and communities
    • Education and research
    • Social inclusion
  3. Archive Library Museum (ALM) communities:
    • Protection and promotion of cultural heritage
    • Risk management in ALM Communities
    • Management of cultural goods in ALM Community
  4. Democracy and visibility
    • Fake news
    • New ICTs and their influence
    • Visualization of statistics
    • Social Μedia and the marketing
  5. Future libraries
    • Expanded boundaries
    • New generation of services
    • Innovative synergies and collaborations


  • Special Sessions
  • Workshops
  • Master theses separate session
  • PhD students with separate session

 At the web page:  you may send proposals:

  1. For Special Sessions (4-6 papers),
  2. Workshops (more than 1-3 sessions) including the title and a brief description at: [email protected] or from the electronic submission
  3. Abstracts/Papers to be included in the proposed sessions, to new sessions or as contributed papers.

Contributions may be realized through one of the following ways

  1. structured abstracts (not exceeding 500 words) and presentation;
  2. full papers (not exceeding 12,000 words);
  3. posters.

In all the above cases at least one of the authors ought to be registered in the conference: .

Abstracts and full papers should be submitted electronically within the timetable provided in the web page:

The abstracts and full papers should be in compliance to the author guidelines that are located in the above link.

All abstracts will be published in the Conference Book of Abstracts and in the website of the Conference. The papers of the conference will be published in the QQML e- journal after the permission of the author(s).

The QQML e-  journal moved to

Doctoral and Postgraduate Sessions

Professors and Supervisors are recommended to encourage the contribution of Postgraduate theses and dissertations of their students.

In the Doctoral and Postgraduate Sessions the contributors resent their research, the topic, the objectives, the methodology and the ongoing work. 

Post Graduate Student sessions for research are especially organized.

Please direct any questions regarding the QQML 2023 Conference and Student Research Presentations to: the secretariat of the conference at: [email protected]

QQML 2023 Important Dates

Abstract submissions: December 20, 2022

Notification of acceptance two weeks after submission.

Deadline Paper Submission: 1st of May 2023 (optional)

Deadline Presentation Submission: 1st of May  2023

Early bird Registration: up to 1st of March  2023


Submit a Proposal or a session to [email protected]

Submissions of abstracts to special or contributed sessions could be sent directly to the conference secretariat at [email protected] . Please refer to the Session Number, as they are referred at the conference website to help the secretariat to classify the submissions.

For more information and Abstract/Paper submission and Special Session Proposals please visit the conference website at:   or contact the secretary of the conference at : [email protected]

Paper contributions have the opportunity to be published in the QQML e- Journal, which continues to retain the right of first choice, however in addition they have the chance to be published in other scientific journals. QQML e- Journal is included in EBSCOhost

Looking forward to welcoming you in Heraklion