Ráðstefnur – lokið

JÚNÍ 2008

LIBRARIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE (LIDA) 2008 Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia 2-7 June 2008. Sjá www.ffos.hr/lida/

The 11th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations – ETD. 4th – 7th June. See http://www.rgu.ac.uk/etd/home/

Ensuring Quality of Service for the User in the ERA. 9th international Conference on Current Research Information Systems. June 5-7th, 2008 in Maribor, Slovenia. Organized by IZUM, Slovenia www.izum.si and euroCRIS www.eurocris.org

ICSTI Public Conference.  The COEX Intercontinental Seoul Hotel on 11 and 12 June 2008. Title: New Frontiers for Scientific and Technical Information. See http://icsti2008.kisti.re.kr/

ARLIS/Norden ársfundur og ráðstefna, 12.-14. júní 2008 á Þjóðminjasafni Íslands, Reykjavík. Sjá http://www.arlisnorden.org/island/radstefna.html

SLA 2008 Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO. 15-18 June 2008. Seattle, Washington (SLA = Special Libraries Association). See http://registration.expoexchange.com/ShowSLA081/Default.aspx 

Norræn tónlistarháskólabókasafna ráðstefna, 16.-18. júní 2008 í Reykjavík. Sjá http://pulaski.lhi.is/bokasafn/Conference/

The 5th International Lifelong Learning Conference. 16-19 June 2008. Rydges Resort, Yeppoon, Queensland. Theme: Lifelong Learning: Reflecting on Successes and Framing Futures. http://lifelonglearning.cqu.edu.au/2008/

Sumarskóli í upplýsingalæsi á vegum NordINFOLIT og háskólans í Bergen. Haldinn í Bergen (Brakanes), Noregi, 16. ? 20. júní 2008.

Education in the Information Age: Global Challenges and Enhancement Strategies. June 17-21, 2008. See www.unn-edu.net/conferences

The LIFE2 Project (lifecycle costs for digital collections). A project conference at the British Library on 23 June 2008. See http://www.life.ac.uk/2/conference.shtml

Europeana conference: Users Expect the Interoperable. The Hague, 23-24 June 2008. See http://www.europeana.eu/conference.php?view=Registration+form

The international conference USE-2008: From Information Provision to Knowledge Production. University of Oulu, Finland June 23?25th, 2008. Sjá www.oulu.fi/silo/use2008

Collaboration & Resource Sharing in the Digital Age. American Library Association’s International Relations Roundtable Pre-Conference Anaheim, California Friday, June 27, 2008 8:00AM ? 3:00PM.  The pre-conference begins at 8:00 AM for coffee and pastries, with the program beginning at 9:00 am. Lunch will be served and the program will end around 3:00 PM. Registration for this event is $75 which includes the breakfast and lunch. Registration is through the ALA Annual Conference registration at http://www.ala.org/ala/eventsandconferencesb/annual/2008a/registration.cfm.

Open meeting of the British Chapter of International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO UK) entitled „Agenda for Information Retrieval“ in London, 26th June 2008 15:00-19:00 (registration starts 14:30). University College London, Engineering Faculty, Roberts Building G06. Cost: 10 GBP  (ISKO UK members free). See http://www.iskouk.org/AgendaIR_June2008.htm

The American Library Annual Conference. June 26-July 2 2008. Anaheim, California. See
www.ala.org/ala/eventsandconferencesb/annual/2008a/home.htmSOIC 2008: The 4th International Conference on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics. Orlando, Florida, USA, on June 29th to July 2nd, 2008. See www.socioinfocyber.org/soic2008

CITSA 2008: The 5th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications. Orlando, Florida, USA, on June 29th to July 2nd, 2008. See www.infocybereng.org/citsa2008

CCCT 2008. Orlando, Florida, USA. June 29th- July 2nd, 2008. See http://www.infocybereng.org/ccct2008

Digital Heritage and Global Realities: Responses from Africa and the Arab World. Within the Digital Archaeology Theme of World Archaeological Congress 6, to be held in Dublin, 29th June – 4th July 2008. See www.ucd.ie/wac-6/

JÚLÍ 2008

37th LIBER Annual Conference. July 1-5, 2008 Istanbul, Turkey. Theme: Bridging the Digital Divide: Effective Library Partnerships in the Digital Age. See: http://liber2008.ku.edu.tr. (LIBER = Association of European Research Libraries: www.libereurope.eu/)

The 2008 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. WORLDCOMP’08. (composed of 25 Joint Conferences) July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas, USA. Sjá www.world-academy-of-science.org

Sharing Vocabularies on the Web via Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) in London 21 July 2008 from 14-19 (registration starts at 13:30). University College London, Engineering Faculty, Roberts Building G06, Sir Ambrose Fleming Lecture Theatre See: http://www.iskouk.org/SKOS_July2008.htm.

A RACE AGAINST TIME: PRESERVING OUR AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA. Presented by the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts. July 24 and 25, 2008. Boston, MA. Fee $200. See www.ccaha.org.


Third annual Access to Knowledge Conference (A2K3). September 8-10, 2008. Geneva, Switzerland. Free and open to the public, advance registration required. See www.law.yale.edu/news/6191.htm

Eleventh International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE (TSD 2008). Brno, Czech Republic, 8-12 September 2008. Sjá www.tsdconference.org/

Nordisk markedsføringskonferanse i Asker bibliotek. 11.?13. september 2008. Asker bibliotek og PR-foreningen for nordiske biblioteker. http://www.askerbibliotek.no/Nyheter2/SKRYT—en-konferanse-om-markedsforing-av-bibliotek/

ECDL2008. 12th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries September 14-19, 2008 Aarhus, Denmark. See www.ecdl2008.org

Eleventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. Sydney, Australia, September 16-19, 2008. See www.kr.org/KR2008/

The Semantic Web and Libraries, archives and museums – trends for the future. Stockholm 17 September. See http://www.kb.se/bibliotek/kurser-konferenser/konferens-seminarier/Semantiska-webben/ 

Social Forum (samfélagsvettvangur) 17.-21. september evrópskt socialforum (ESF) í Malmö í Svíþjóð. Sjá http://www.esf2008.org/  

Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008) A KR 2008 Workshop. September 16-19, 2008. Sydney, Australia. See www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~kr2008/krow.html

A SPACE ODYSSEY: STORAGE STRATEGIES FOR CULTURAL COLLECTIONS, presented by the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts. September 23 & 24, 2008
Philadelphia, PA. Fee: $225 for CCAHA members and $250 for non-members. See www.ccaha.org

The International Scientific Conference: Electronic Library. The Faculty of Philology in Belgrade (Serbia) from September 25th to 27th 2008. See http://bds.org.yu

Third Symposium on the History of Printing and Publishing in the Languages and Countries of the Middle East. Leipzig, 25-27 September 2008. Sjá www.hpplcme.ovh.org

Fifth International Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects.
British Library Conference Centre, London, 29-30 September 2008. See

EKAW 2008. 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Knowledge Patterns. 29th September-3rd October 2008 – Acitrezza, Catania (Italy) See  http://ekaw2008.inrialpes.fr 


The 8th Nordic ILL Conference: From Discovery to Delivery : Building a Resource Sharing Service for the Future. 6-8 October 2008 at Vår gård, Saltsjöbaden (close to Stockholm) www.vargard.se. See www.biblioteksforeningen.org/konferens/Konf2008/nordic_ill/index.html

The Role of Libraries in Freedom of Expression, Tolerance, and Access to Information. October 7-9, 2008. Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Alexandria, Egypt. See http://www.bibalex.org/IFLA-libraries-tolerance08 

UNAK’08: Information: Diversity and Awareness. Yasar University-Izmir, Turkey in 9th-11th October 2008. See www.unak.org.tr/unak08eng/

Landsfundur Upplýsingar 2008: Yfirskrift: Í takt við tímann. Hafnarfirði 10.-11. okt. (föstudagur og laugardagur) Ath. Breytt dagsetning.  Bókasöfn í Hafnarfirði hafa veg og vanda af undirbúningi. Formaður Landsfundarnefndar er Anna Sigríður Einarsdóttir, [email protected]

ILIG, The International Library & Information Group of CILIP: Two Half-day seminars: Internet Search Techinques: Current State of the Art and The Next Five Years and Information Services for Migrants and Refugees. Tuesday 14 October 2008 in The British Library, Euston Road, London NW1 2DB, 9.45-12.45 and 13.30 – 16.30. Enquiries and bookings: Kathleen Ladizesky: tel.: 01974-282411, e-mail: [email protected]

First Open Access Day. October 14, 2008. See http://www.openaccessday.org

International Conference on the Development of Subject Librarianship and Personal Librarianship. Beijing, China, October 14-16, 2008. See www.netlib.edu.cn/huiyi/index.html

Internet Librarian International, London, 16-17 October 2008. Theme: Translating 2.0 Technologies for Tangible Benefits & Transparency. See www.internet-librarian.com.

EnIL summer school. Rome 13-17 October 2008. See www.ceris.cnr.it/Basili/EnIL/index.html and http://enil.ceris.cnr.it/SummerSchool/index.htm).  

Constructing and Interpreting Viable Tools for Effective Student Learning in the Library Media Center. October 17-19, 2008. Oak Brook Hills Marriott Resort, Oak Brook, Illinois (Chicago area). See www.ala.org/aasl/fallforum.

3rd COMMUNIA Workshop. October 20-21 in Amsterdam. See http://www.communia-project.eu/node/109.
Nordic Cultural Commons Conference 2008. October 22-23 at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. See http://www.hiit.fi/nccc/

Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit 2008. October 24-26 in Gothenburg. See http://fscons.org/.

Alþjóðleg 2ja daga ráðstefna um málefni almenningsbókasafna 22.-23. október á Grand Hótel, Reykjavík.  Yfirskrift: The Future is here! Are we Prepared? New Thinking in Education for Public Librarians. Nánar auglýst síðar.

Þjóðarspegillinn 2008: Ráðstefna VIII um rannsóknir í félagsvísindum haldin í Háskólatorgi, Odda og Lögbergi 24. okt. 2008. Nánar auglýst síðar.

3rd Symposium on The Internet: Governance and the Law. 26-27 October 2008. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2008). 26-30 October 2008, Karlsruhe, Germany. See http://iswc2008.semanticweb.org/

The second Nordbib workshop on Open Access: Research visibility – managing quality for better evaluation. 27-28 October 2008 in Elsinore, Denmark

Technology A platform for development? Thursday 30 – Friday 31 October 2008. Chatham House, London. See [email protected]


Kaleidoscope Conference. Conference regarding children’s/young adult literature. November 6-8, 2008 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. See http://www.kaleidoscopeconference.ca

International Conference on Empowering Knowledge for All: Role of Libraries, November 13-15, 2008 to commemorate ILA Platinum Jubilee-Year 2008.

Globalization and the Management of Information Resources
12-14 November 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria. See

2nd International Conference on Libraries, Information & Society 2008 (ICoLIS08): Theme: Towards An Information Literate Society. Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya MALAYSIA 18-19 November 2008. See http://xrl.us/icollis2008.

NordLib 2.0. „Inspirationsdag om bibliotek och webb 2.0“
Stockholms universitetsbibliotek inbjuder den 21. november till „Inspirationsdag om bibliotek och webb 2.0“. En heldagskonferens som fokuserar på bibliotek och webb 2.0 och presenterar visioner och exempel inom information, lärande och forskning. Lyssna på och få inspiration från ledande experter på området och ta del av ett flertal praktikfall från nordiska bibliotek och universitet.
Fullständigt program och anmälningsformulär kommer på Stockholms universitetsbiblioteks webbplats i början av september.
Nánari upplýsingar um skráningu og dagskrá á ráðstefnuna NordLib 2.0.:

ICT 2008: Europe’s biggest research event for information and communication technologies. Lyon, 25-27 November. See http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/ict/2008/index_en.htm

MARS 2010

IntraTeam Event 2010. International Conference about Intranet and Enterprise 2.0.Copenhagen. March 2-4, 2010. See www.intrateam.com/Default.aspx?ID=3905.

1st CFP: Workshop on Matching and Meaning: Automated development, evolution and interpretation of ontologies. 31st March 2010, part of AISB’10 Convention, Leicester, UK. See http://dream.inf.ed.ac.uk/events/wmm-2010.

APRÍL 2010

CCCT 2010. The 8th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies. April 6-9, Orlando, Florida, USA). See www.2010iiisconferences.org/CCCT

ISAS 2010. The 16th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis. Orlando, Florida. April 6 -9, 2010. See www.2010iiisconferences.org/ISAS.

ICETI 2010. The International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics. April 6-9, 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA. See http://www.2010iiisconferences.org/ICETI
ICSIT 2010. International Conference on Society and Information Technologies. April 6-9, 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA. See http://www.2010iiisconferences.org/ICSIT

IMCIC 2010. The International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics. April 6-9, 2010. Orlando, Florida. See www.2010iiisconferences.org/IMCIC.

12th Fiesole Collection Development Retreat. Leuven University, Belgium. April 8-10, 2010. See http://digital.casalini.it/retreat.

Museums and the Web 2010. The international conference for culture and heritage on-line. April 13-17, 2010. Denver, Colorado, USA. See www.archimuse.com/mw2010/

15th seminar of the LIBER Architecture Group. Planning libraries for the users of the future. Madrid. 14-16 April 2010, with a pre-seminar tour that offers several library visits. See www.zhbluzern.ch/LIBER-LAG/lagensb.htm.

MELCom 32nd annual conference. Córdoba, Spain. April 19-21, 2010. See www.sant.ox.ac.uk/ext/melcomintl/melconfCordob10.shtml

Digital Futures Academy. Fom digitization to delivery, London,UK. April 19-23, 2010. See http://www.digitalconsultancy.net/digifutures/.

RLG European Partnership Meeting. Moving the Past into the Future: Special Collections in a Digital Age. St Anne?s College, Oxford, 22-23 April.  See www.oclc.org/research/events/2010-04-22.htm

ARLIS/NA 2010 Conference. The Art Libraries Society of North America 38th annual conference. Boston. April 23-26, 2010. See http://www.arlisna.org/boston2010.

Managing Information in the Public Sector: Shaping the New Information Space. April 26-27, 2010. Downtown Toronto, Metro Toronto Convention Centre. See www.mips2010.ca/agenda_dynamic.php & www.mips2010.ca.

International conference on emerging technologies in academic libraries 2010. Academic libraries face specific challenges – emerging technologies present new opportunities. 26-28 April 2010, Trondheim, Norway. See http://www.ntnu.no/ub/emtacl/

The Fourteenth Off-Campus Library Services Conference. April 28-30, 2010, at the Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center in Cleveland, Ohio. See https://ocls.cmich.edu/conf2010/

MAÍ  2010

Digital Challenges and Digital Opportunities in Audiovisual Archiving. Joint Technical Symposium 2010. Oslo, Norway. May 2-4, 2010. See www.jts2010.org

EBLIDA-NAPLE Annual Conference: Abolish barriers, the role of libraries in an evolving Europe. Helsinki, Finland. Friday May 7, 2010 with social events following on Saturday 8th May. See

FOIS 2010. Sixth International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (co-located with KR 2010). Toronto, Canada. 11-14 May 2010. See http://fois2010.mie.utoronto.ca

4th Int. Workshop on Modular Ontologies (WoMO). Toronto, Canada, May 11, 2010. co-located with FOIS, KR, AAMAS, ICAPS, NMR, and DL. See http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~okutz/womo4

Transcending Boundaries in Europe in the Period of the Belle Epoque: Organizing Knowledge, Mobilizing Networks, and Effecting Social Change – A colloquium to be held at the Mundaneum, Mons, 20-21 May 2010. See http://www.mundaneum.be/index.asp?ID=621

LIDA 2010. Libraries in the Digital Age. Zadar, Croatia, 24-28 May 2010. See www.ffos.hr/lida/.

2nd Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2010), Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-28 of May, 2010. See http://www.isast.org


4th Conference of LIBER Manuscript Librarians Group. National Library of Rome, 26-28 May 2010. See http://liber-manuscripts.kb.nl


The 4th International Conference on Preservation and Conservation Issues in Digital Printing and Digital Photography. London. May 27-28, 2010. More information can be found at www.imaging.org/conferences/archiving2010.

JÚNÍ 2010

Archiving 2010. Den Haag (The Hague), the Netherlands. June 1-4, 2010. www.imaging.org/ist/conferences/archiving/index.cfm

Connecting Science with Society. The Role of Research Information in a Knowledge-Based Society. Aalborg, Denmark, June 2-5, 2010. See www.cris2010.org

17th International Conference: Crimea 2010. Libraries and information resources in the modern world of science, culture education and business. June 5-13, 2010, Sudak and other Crimean cities. See www.ilisv.oth/crimea2010  

ARLIS/Norden Annual Meeting and Conference. Art Librar * and / or / not research? Art Library and research. Held in Oslo, 10 ? 12 June 2010.

SLA Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO 2010. Special Libraries Association. 13-16 June New Orleans, LA, USA. See www.sla.org/content/Events/index.cfm.

The Informing Science + IT Education (InSITE) Conference. June 17-24, 2010 in Bari and Cassino, Italy See http://InSITE.nu or http://2010.InformingScience.org. A Conference in Three Parts. See http://insite.nu. Part I Bari June 17-18. Part II Bari June 19-20. Part III Cassino June 21-24.

Nord I&D 2010. Trusting the Web. Bergen 21.-22. June 2010. See  www.fagbibliotek.no/nordid/

The 7th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science. Central London 21-24 June 2010. See http://colis.soi.city.ac.uk

ALA Annual Conference. Washington, DC. June 24-29, 2010. See http://www.ala.org/ala/conferencesevents/upcoming/annual/index.cfm 

i-Society 2010. International Conference on Information Society. 28-30 June, 2010. London, UK. See www.i-society.eu

CITSA 2010. The 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications. June 29 – July 2, 2010. Orlando, Florida, USA. See http://www.2010iiisconferences.org/CITSA

IMETI 2010. The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation. June 29 – July 2, 2010. Orlando, Florida, USA. See http://www.2010iiisconferences.org/IMETI

SOIC 2010. The 6th International Conference on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics. June 29 – July 2, 2010. Orlando, Florida, USA. See http://www.2010iiisconferences.org/SOIC

WMSCI 2010. The 14th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Society and Information/Communications Technologies. June 29-July 2, 2010 in Orlando, Florida. See www.2010iiisconferences.org/wmsci

39th LIBER Annual Conference. Aarhus State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark, 29 June to 2 July 2010. See www.statsbiblioteket.dk/liber2010.

ÁGÚST 2010

Supporting Clinical Care: An Institute in Evidence-Based Practice for Medical Librarians. August 2-5. Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. See www.dartmouth.edu/~biomed/institute2010.

World Library and Information Congress: 76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly. Open access to knowledge – promoting sustainable progress. Gothenburg, Sweden, 10-15 August. See http://www.ifla.org/en/ifla76Ath. Breytt staðsetning.

IFLA Satellite Meetings, before and after the conference (total 14). See www.ifla.org/en/ifla76/satellite-meetings

The 5th Shanghai (Hangzhou) International Library Forum. City Life and Library Service. Shanghai Library/Hangzhou Library. August 24-27, 2010. See www.libnet.sh.cn/silf2010.