
Skráning / Register

Registration guidelines

Please register online when registering for the congress, congress excursions or making hotel reservation.


Register online ? click here


Registration fees:


Registered before 15th of September 2008     ISK 28.000         


Registered after 15th of September 2008        ISK 32.000


Student fee                                                       ISK 25.000






Thingvellir / Golden Circle                   ISK 8.900       

Friday 24 Oct


The Blue Lagoon                                    ISK 5.400       

Thursday 23 Oct


Currency converter


Included in registration fee is:

Admission to the conference, documentation, coffee during breaks, lunches, Get-together and Conference banquet



Alterations to your registration must be made in writing and sent to Congress Reykjavik by fax or e-mail.


Please direct all registration, payment or hotel inquiries to Congress Reykjavik at:

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +354 ? 585 3900

Fax: +354 ? 585 3901



You can either pay directly by credit card when registering or by bank transfer


Please indicate your name or registration no. and the payment reference name EPL on all money transfers.


The Congress secretariat will not be responsible for identifying funds transferred directly into the account when the name of the participant or invoice number is not mentioned.

Bank information:


Please note that you will be charged additionally for ISK 2.000 if paying by bank transfer.


Account no: 513 ? 14 – 604667

IBAN IS33 0513 1460 4667 6107 0030 60   

ID no: 610700-3060



As from 3 weeks before the Congress we only accept credit card as payment.

Delegates, who have made late payments, should bring a proof of payment to the congress. Failure to present this on request gives Congress Reykjavík the right to charge the amount to your credit card.


Cancellations and refunds


A written notification of cancellation should be sent to Congress Reykjavik. Cancellation made before Oct 10th will be charged a service fee of 8000.-ISK.  For cancellations made after Oct 10th  we regret that no refunds can be made.


Payment for one night accommodation will be withdrawn from your Credit Card if there is a ?no-show? at booked hotel.

All refunds will be processed after the meeting.