
Starfsþjálfun í Brussel og Luxembourg

EBLIDA var að senda út eftirfarandi tilkynningu um möguleika á starfsþjálfun í Evrópu

Graduates holding an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification in librarianship or information science are encouraged to apply for three internships (traineeships) in the European Parliament Library (2 in Brussels; 1 in Luxembourg). Internships are paid and last 5 months, starting on 1 March and 1 October each year.
  • The work undertaken by an intern in the Library would comprise a mixture of tasks, including the following: 
    – duties on the information desk in the Reading Room
    – basic enquiry work
    – management of electronic resources
    – cataloguing and indexing
    – contributing to the organisation of events in the Library
  • Interns receive appropriate training and supervision throughout their time here.

For further information, potential candidates should consult the webpage on the Traineeships Scheme in the European Parliament:

and the vacancy notices for the three Library internships:  (Luxembourg)  (Brussels) (Brussels)