
An International Conference in Helsinki, Finland 2008


Conference 17 ? 18 April

Study Tours 16 and 19 April

Target groups: library professionals, politicians, media

Organizers: Finnish Library Association, Library of the Finnish Parliament and Helsinki Metropol (HelMet) Libraries in Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo and Kauniainen Cities

Advocacy and marketing for libraries is crucial in the situation where libraries are competing for users and resources. Libraries need to pay more attention to informing citizens and politicians about their services. The presentations from South Africa, Namibia, Scotland (UK) and Finland give some answers and examples on how to advocate and market for libraries. We have the honor to have Ms Ellen Tise, President-elect of IFLA as our keynote speaker.

Annex of the Parliament House

Arkadiankatu 3

Helsinki, Finland


Conference fee 40 euros covers the conference programme, study tours and the Cultural Evening, but not the lunches nor the dinner.

Registration is open until 7 April 2008. Please find the registration form here  



8.45 ? 9.15 Registration and coffee

Chair: Ms. Marjatta Lahti, Director of Hakunila District Library, Vantaa City Library

9.20 ? 9.30 Opening

Ms. Sari Pajula, Director, Library of the Finnish Parliament

Lobbying decision-makers

9.30 ? 10.15 Role of IFLA in advocating libraries

Ms. Ellen Tise, IFLA President-elect, South-Africa

10.15 ? 11.00 How to get politician?s attention in decision making

Mr. Elia G. Kaiyamo, Member of Parliament, Chairperson of the Namibia Library and Information Council

11.00 ? 11.15 Break

11.15 ? 11.45 Top ten tips for lobbying

Mr. Markku Laukkanen, Member of Parliament, President of the Finnish Library Association

11.45 ? 12.15 Political discussion ? persuading and argumenting for a politician

Mr. Timo Turja, Chief Information Specialist, Political Information, Library of the Finnish Parliament

12.15 ? 13.30 Lunch

Chair: Ms. Päivikki Karhula, Leading Information Specialist, Library of the Finnish Parliament

Attention in media

13.30 ? 14.00 Getting media attention and co-operating with your stakeholders

Mr. Kai Ekholm, Director, National Library of Finland

14.00 ? 14.20 Coffee

14.20 ? 14.50 Media and libraries – natural allies?

Mr. Heikki Hellman, Dr.Soc.Sci, Journalist, Helsingin Sanomat

Speaking for the organisation

14.50 ? 15.20 Creating a library concept to meet customer needs. Can we

learn something from the retail world?

Mr. Jari Danielsson, Managing Director, Kuudes kerros

18.30 – Dinner

Helsingin Suomalainen Klubi, Kansakoulukuja 3 (the 5th floor)



Conference venue: Annex of the Parliament House, Arkadiankatu 3, Helsinki

9.00 Coffee

Chair: Ms. Saara Ihamäki, Chief Librarian, Helsinki City Library

Marketing for users

9.15 – 10.00 Marketing the library in the 21st century ? recognizing and

communicating the value of the library services

Ms. Susan Mansfield, Head of the Information Services, The Scottish Parliament

10.00 ? 10.30 Support or collaboration ? fuelling information processes into


Ms. Maija Jussilainen, Knowledge Specialist, Ministry of Finance

10.30 ? 11.00 New tools for libraries

Ms. Krista Auvinen, Chief Information Specialist, Vantaa City Library

11.00 -11.15 Break

11.15 ? 11.45 „Ask anything“ radio programme – promoting library services on


Ms. Rauha Lönn, Planner, Helsinki City Library, eLibary Unit

11.45 ? 12.10 Library awareness campaign

Representative of the Municipality of Windhoek, Namibia

12.10 ? 12.15 Closing

Ms. Sinikka Sipilä, Secretary General, Finnish Library Assosiation

12.15 ? 13.30 Lunch


Tours and library visits

13.30 ? 14.30 Tour in the Parliament

14.45 ? 16.00 Library 10, Helsinki City Library

Mr. Kari Lämsä, Chief Librarian

16.30 ? 17.30 Helsinki University Library, Undergraduate Library




STUDY TOURS 16 and 19 April:


Wednesday 16 April

10.00 Leppävaara District Library, Espoo City Library, at Sello Shopping


12.00 Lunch

14.00 Mobile Library, Helsinki City Library

18.00 South African /Namibian Cultural Evening, Rikhardinkatu Library,

Helsinki City Library (open to all)


Saturday 19 April

9.30 Information Services at Grassroot Level at Hakunila District Library,

Vantaa City Library

12.00 Lunch

14.00 Youth Services at Keski-Espoo Library, Espoo City Library



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